Saturday, April 16, 2011

cough medicine anyone?

well...the other day i was having lunch with my friends kristen and britlyn.  grayson was over in the corner in the bouncer seat, while the three of us sat talking.  all of the sudden i heard this, "cough, cough".  no, that couldn't be my son.  sure enough, "cough, cough"... it was coming from my gray.  i looked over at the other mothers, "he does not have a cough," i assured them.  (us mothers are funny about those things).  

the next day i was getting ready to go for the day.  naturally i cannot do this with one hand, so i have to put my precious boy down, so i can tend to myself.  i usually set him in the bathroom with me on his boppy pillow, and i sing and dance for him, and he loves it.  as i turned away from him so i could do my makeup in the mirror, all of the sudden i heard "cough, cough".  and then it hit me, he is doing this for attention.  no way!  to test my theory, i looked back at him and started to sing and dance again.  he was all smiles.  then i looked away...."cough, cough".  

so ever since that day he has mysteriously gotten a "cough" whenever i am not right by his side.  it's hilarious, and i will eat it up while it lasts.  i know that too soon he won't yearn for my attention the way he does now.  

if i've learned one thing these past few weeks, it is this.....

no one puts gray in a corner.


  1. So cute! Kyle was telling us about that the other day! I'm so glad you started a blog. Maybe you will be more consistent at it them I am!!

  2. of course sissy.... NO ONE PUTS BABY IN A CORNER!!!
